I have been working as a test engineer since last 2 years. I have made list of few things which testers hate to hear. I am damn sure that if you are a tester even are one
How did u missed that defect?
No testing can prove that the software is 100% bug free. There will be times when your test case design didn't cover the a part of scenario which resulted to a defect when released into production. Testers will always be the first person to be asked when a part of code fails i n production release. And they should be.
How can you do the same work so many times. Dont you get bored?
Comeon who says testers test the same thing again and again.
We dont need testers, we have developers..!!
The fact of the matter is, testing and developing are two different skills. The main problem that arises when developers test their own code is that, because they are not experience testers, they have difficulties adopting the perspective of an end user. As a result, developers have a tendency to perform positive tests while often neglecting negative tests. The problem with this is that most defects are in fact found through negative testing. An effective software tester performs an ample mix of both positive and negative tests, and are able to take a more objective approach to the testing process.
Testing is easy anyone can do it.!!
This is not true. Yes we agree that there are some defects in the qa cycle which can be identified by any of the project teams familiar with the application requirement. However testing requires a well analytic skills to design the requirments and testing strategy to provide a quality system which can be accepted by the stakeholders.
Coming soon...!!